"ReAL EssEnCE of ChrIstMAs"

The month of December is perhaps the most jubilant month of a year. There are parties and reunions everywhere. Most of us look forward to vacations and excursions. Above all things, it is because the birth of our only Savior Jesus Christ. But, before anything else, do we know what the true or real essence of Christmas is. And why we are celebrating it.

It was night of December 24, when I have learned and realized the true meaning of Christmas. I was touched by the homily of Monsignor Gary Formoso because he has explained the real essence of Christmas. One is forgiveness. We are just only humans. If God himself forgives us for the bad things that we made against him, we as humans should also forgive others. So, in celebrating Christmas Season we should forgive the person/s whom who hurt us and vice versa, we should also ask for forgiveness for the person/s whom we hurt their feelings and done something wrong on them. Another is service. Helping other person aside from financially is also a great thing. Serving your fellow men especially when hardships come with them, makes them realize that they are not alone and there are hands willing to help. But the most important essence of Christmas is "giving of LOVE". Sharing your love to others is a thing that money cannot buy and a thing that cannot be replace by anything and anyone. That LOVE, you have shared is somewhat very significant for them and it is a lifetime treasure and cannot be forgotten.

So, together we share our happiness to those people whom we treasure and love but most of all to those people who are deprived of love and care. They need our generous acts. And for it is in "giving of LOVE" that we live the true meaning of Christmas. May all of us celebrate a yuletide season.

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